Monday 28 April 2008

Term 1

Financial Accoutning and Decision Making (FADM)
- Prof Mohan Venkatachalam, Duke
- Mark Finn, Kellogg

Managerial Economics (MGEC)
- Amit Bubna, ISB
- Shamika Ravi, ISB

Marketing Management (MKDM)
- David R. Bell, Wharton
- Piyush Kumar, Terry (UGA)

Statistical Methods for Management Decisions (SMMD)
- Robert A. Stine, Wharton
- Richard Waterman, Wharton

The term started with a case in marketing, it was the first group assignment. Late nights started from Day 1 and that was usual. The group had few stallwarts with Amit Mitna from AP and an IIT alumni, Dr. Dilpreet Singh an orthopedic surgeoon from AIMS, Rajesh Jinaraj from BITS, Pilani and Pratik Kumar from Infosys.

For me it was a time to get back to books, was really tough. Also the teaching style was different. Both our stats Profs were amazing. Regression and residuals are now a part in our neuro system. Even the accounts prof were good, though i did not attend their lectures. There was an option for CA to avoid lectures and exams by writing a research paper. We formed a team of 4 comprising Sandeep Gupta, Rajat Goyal, Deepak Bhatia and me. Our paper was on write - off of intangible assets, we worked pretty well and the output was awesome. Infact Prof. Finn went on to comment that this is the best paper I have ever seen at ISB.

Also 'game theory' was an interesting concept that we learnt in part to of eco course. I saw the movie 'A beautiful mind' which is an autobiography of John Nash the nobel laureate on game theory. Prof. Bubna ensured that we never forget MR = MC in our life time.

All in all term 1 was more of a settling time. Settling to new method of study, new friends, new study group, etc.