Saturday, 20 September 2008

Financial Mess

Lot has been written about regarding the current financial mess in the economy. Prof. Subra shared a very useful link with all of us which gave a detailed analysis on the hows and whys of the condition, you can access it on

I am not going to repeat any of these things as there would be nothing new. However looking at this financial mess a bigger question that arose in my mind is how can this happen? All these companies who are either no more or have faced the turmoil had the so claimed best brains in the world. Inspite of having the most envied talent pool they were neither able to foresee such an event nor they were able to prevent any of such things...

Isn't this surprising!!! Is it time to question the definition of best brains and do a check on the source from where these best brains come from.

Is the education system so hollow or can we say that the education institutions are creating literate heads but illiterate hearts.

Just a thought to ponder upon...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Even though u mite have the best brains, if these brains start working towards a destrcuctive mess...they will be at their best :)