Tuesday 18 December 2012

Heaven OR Hell in Life - a matter of choice

Guided tour of heaven & hell… I once got a guided tour to Heaven & Hell !!! I was first taken to Hell. I had expected it to be full of fire, flames, blood etc. To my utter surprise it was all green, well manicured gardens, 8 lane roads etc. I was shocked. However, the inhabitants were very frail and thin. As if they have not eaten for days – skin stretched on skeleton! I then went to Heaven. The scene here was exactly same. Same infrastructure, greenery, roads etc. The only difference was that the inhabitants looked very fit, healthy and happy!! What was the mystery? I rushed to God and asked. “Please tell me why people at these two places look different?” God smiled. “Did you see their canteen?” “No. What is there to see in the canteen?” I asked. “There you will find your answer!” God said. I went again. Outside the Hell canteen, there was a notice. “You can eat ONLY with the spoon provided”. There was a big spoon put on the notice board – 2 feet long. Also the spoon was tied to the one arm of each inhabitant as they entered (with elbow locked), the other arm was tied behind his back. Inside the canteen, the scene was interesting. Each person was dipping his spoon in the food and throwing it towards his mouth & attempting to catch the food. Everyone was doing that. All were busy. 95% of the food fell on the floor. I then went to Heaven’s canteen. Same rule, same spoon! Yet the scene was different. You guessed it right!! People were sitting in pairs, facing each other. Each person picked food in the spoon and fed the person in front. Important point to note is that no one was shirking. Every person did his/her job. No one was fed out of pity, none were pleading helplessness. How does this apply to our life? We have a choice to create Heaven or Hell, right here on this earth. If we only think of “Self, Me, Mine”, we may most likely create Hell around us. If we choose to be in pure contribution mode, where we contribute to others, “Help them to help themselves”, we may create Heaven around us right here on this earth. Remember ‘Helping out of pity” is totally opposite of pure contribution. Most of the time, that act has a big selfish element. One may feel that at least there is someone who exists because of him. One may also feel that he/she is better off than someone. It may even be seeking appreciation, approval from the person being helped, or from society or even self satisfaction. It is all the same thing. It fuels the ego subtly. Someone taught me: “Keep your hand always outstretched in an active contribution mode – as a GIVER. Contribute and add value to the situation. You will never need to spread your hand out as a borrower or for favour. What you need will come to you!” I realized that much later in my life. I remember in my first few years of working as an employee. I always thought of what I was getting; how my CV value was getting enriched for a better job, higher salary; how to maximize available benefits and allowances from the company; how I deserved better from life; how people should pay me for my past individual accomplishments!! – ME, ME & I all the way. Much later I realized that when I first focus on the company, its bottomline growth, contributing to its clients, growing people around me, helping them to be winners in their lives, life turned simple & heavenly. The joy of being a star pilot in my own life was miniscule in comparison to the joy of assisting others to fly in their lives in reaching their dream destination. Here is a test. Whenever you find something a drag and struggle, do a check. Have you shifting to ME-ME mode from the contribution mode. Shift the choice back to pure contribution and see the drag disappear magically!

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